Eek! The pirate is back! Doesn't he look menacing? Jackson wore this stylish bandanna to the Jamestown
Fools Rules Regatta last weekend, where he fit right in with all the other people in costume. He and Daddy had a great time!

Jack discovered last week that he loves ravioli. Not only is it delish, but it's fun to play with too!

Mmm...Mmm! Stuff as much as possible in that little mouth!

Jackson claimed this baby doll at the thrift store with Grandma last week. He held it in his carseat the whole way home, hugging it and looking deeply into its eyes.

This photo is blurry, but too cute to pass up, as Jack shares his water with the baby. So generous!

Jack has decided Mommy's dragonfly scarf is great fun. He likes to pull it over his head, covering his face if possible. It's sheer, so he can mostly see where he's going...

...and what toys he might want.
He's so fun. Mommy is grateful to spend every day with this silly boy.