Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More Fun!
Jackson got the greatest gift of his life this week - his very own motorized car, just his size.
He practiced in the backyard first, perfecting his steering abilities - a task he took very seriously.
Today we took it out front, where he impressed all of our neighbors with his driving. He also impressed them with his lung capacity, as he screamed and cried at having to come inside for dinner. Anything that doesn't involve driving his new car just doesn't interest him one bit.
Quin sleeps best when he's got his favorite teddy bear to snuggle with.
And speaking of sleeping, these two were completely passed out after a drive around town.
First thing every morning, Jackson must come in and give hugs and kisses to his beloved brother.
Jackson also likes to share blankets with Quin.
See you later, everybody!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Chubby Cheeks!
What a face!And what a smile!
On a recent visit from Grandma and Pop, Quin slept very soundly on Grandma's chest.
He also shared his favorite lion with Pop. See a similar photo of Pop and Jack here.
This is Jack's ice cream eating chair. We found it on the side of the road with a "free" sign on it. He has to sit in it and preferably watch Star Wars while indulging in mint chocolate chip with jimmies.
Jack has clearly decided to take up running. He has also finally decided he likes stickers, which you might notice look like tattoos all up his arms.
A recent playdate just wasn't stimulating enough for this little man.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Best Vacation Ever!
On our recent trip to visit the Narlees in PA, Jackson had the best time!
He got to sit on an ATV, a riding mower and a tractor!
He got to push a real (not running) lawn mower thanks to Uncle Geof.
He rode an inflatable car in the pool - thanks Aunt Jane!
And the greatest thing of all - the motorized car at Andrew & Vicki's house! He rode on it with Kaleb...
with Aliza...
with Zakeisha...
and with his new friend Kale.
And when the battery died, he got Uncle Luke to push him up and down the long driveway. What a great time!
Oh, and Quin was there too - hiding out in the air conditioning with Grandma...
and whoever else happened to visit - like a hot and tired Uncle Luke.