Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Halloween! Here's Jack and Daddy as Dr. Perry Cox on Scrubs at the Halloween party tonight. Jack did great, sat quietly on our laps and watched everyone.
This smile looks a bit mischievous...
Jack kept Mommy company this week while she attempted to rake up the thousands of leaves in the front yard. He was a good sport about being all bundled up and just sat in his bouncy chair watching Mommy work. You can see here that he has a new favorite thing - the binky.
When Jack focuses on something, he gets a look of utter concentration, with pursed lips and his tongue sticking out a little. Here he's looking at his favorite lion.
Grandma Narlee sent Jack a very cool mobile with neato animals on it. He likes to lie in his crib, listening to the music and watching the toys float above his head. Mommy's grateful for the opportunity to fold laundry!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cutie Pie! There's nothing better than Jack's smile. If only our camera was quick enough to catch it every time. We had some fun floor time today. He is doing his best to grab the toys we dangle above him. And it's even better when he can get them into his mouth. Yum!
This weekend Grandma Bonnie came for a nice visit. She took Jack for walks while Chris and Kira got stuff done around the house. Thanks Grandma! (Please note that the artwork on the wall behind Jack and Bonnie was done by Bonnie herself - Jack has artistic talent on both sides of the family!)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Trip to Scituate. On Wednesday Jackson and Kira drove to Scituate for the day. He got some good snuggles in with Grampy and with Nanny.
Cousin Chris gave Jack a high five!
Here's Daddy, Jack & Osiris. Today Jack tried out his exersaucer. His feet don't quite hit the bottom, so he can't turn himself around (the seat swivels), but he liked looking at the attached toys.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Floor time! Mommy has to remind herself to make sure Jack gets enough floor time - it's important for him to lie on his tummy so his neck gets strong and he should start rolling over at some point. We had lots of fun today lying on our backs looking into Jack's new Sassy mirror. It's the first time he's really paid attention to his own image. Mommy quickly switched the mirror for the camera and Jack posed nicely for this shot.

Then he did a great job holding his head up as he looked at his new doggie toy from our friend Gina. You can see that little strip of his newborn hair that never fell out along the back. Everywhere else on his head he has blonde fuzz.
We went out to eat at Chris's favorite Chinese buffet restaurant Sunday night. Jack did very well, making friends with the waitresses and watching the other customers walk up to the food. When we got back, he was sound asleep and so peaceful-looking. Jack's first fortune cookie fortune was: "Aim high in hope & work." Good advice.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

14 Weeks. At a little over 3 months old, Jack is now reaching out for things with both hands. While he hasn't quite mastered grabbing on with all fingers, he can get ahold of an item using his arms as well, then he pulls it in towards his mouth. Sometimes it actually gets there!
He has also become aware of Osiris and will watch him move around the room. He grabbed onto the cat's fur for the first time this weekend. Obviously, Osiris didn't mind. In fact, he seems to like it.
Daddy and Jack take walks together on nice days. It was a little chilly this afternoon, so Jack has on one of his cute hat and jacket combos.
Jack looks so big in this photo! This is one of his favorite ways to be held, especially when Baby Mozart is on. Close to Mommy, but still with a good view.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Havin' Fun! Today we tried out Jack's doorway jumper since he seems to like to "stand" lately, pushing off of Mommy and Daddy's lap to bounce. As you can see, he didn't mind being in it and pushed himself around a little bit, twisting to look at the room behind him.
Tomorrow Jack and Mommy go to their third "Mothers & Infants" group here in Barrington. He likes to sit and just watch all the other babies as they crawl around and make noise. He'll be joining in before we know it!

When Kira was looking at Barb's cool scrapbooking papers last weekend, she had the idea of framing them and hanging them in Jack's nursery for him to look at while lying in his crib. Here is the result. The first sheet has frogs all over it, the second is dots and the last is bugs. You can get these square frames at Target for $10 each (they are more expensive online). Cool!

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Trip to NH! Last week Jack and Kira took a trip to NH to spend time with Grandma & Grandpa Narlee and to meet some friends. Jack did great in the car, sleeping pretty much the entire way up. Here's Grandpa and Jack playing with his favorite toy, "the lion."
Here's Jack giving Grandma a big smile. He was spoiled by her with new toys, new clothes and a new stroller. Lucky boy!
Jack got to meet Grandma's friends at her work. Here he is with pregnant Ginger. He was very comfortable in her arms - she'll be a great mom!
Auntie Andrea knows how to spoil Jack as well, with fun toys and cute outfits.
This is our Chester neighbor, Annette, with her grandson, Enzo. He's a big boy, especially compared to Jack!
Jack clearly enjoyed meeting Kira's best friend, Liz. He gave her lots of big smiles when they met.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So Adorable! Okay, so we just posted photos yesterday, but these two of Jack today were too cute to pass up!

In the top one, Jack is hanging out in his bouncy chair watching Mommy rake leaves. It was a beautiful day here and his new hat kept the sun out of his eyes.

In the bottom one, Jack is resting on the easy chair while Mommy puts some socks on her cold feet. He was very patient and seemed pretty relaxed! More and more he likes to be sitting up with a little support from Mom, Dad or a chair like this.

Monday, October 02, 2006

So many friends! This past week we visited with some old friends. First we visited Nani, aka, Beth - our neighbor from Portsmouth. Kira and Jack enjoyed a nice lunch at Beth's house.
Then the whole family drove to Waltham to meet up with Auntie Michelle, who was meeting Jack for the first time. He did very well in the restaurant, especially when Daddy walked him around so he could look at everything.
Grandma and Grandpa visited last Friday and Grandma bought Jack these sunglasses because his eyes are so sensitive to the sun. He didn't seem to mind them the way he does a hat.
At last, he's got that thumb in there and has almost mastered sucking it!
Now that we have a new area rug in the living room, we are spending more time on the floor. Here's Jack enjoying the rug this morning. He seems to like to lie on his back, seeing everything, kicking his legs and sucking on his hands.