Monday, October 16, 2006

Floor time! Mommy has to remind herself to make sure Jack gets enough floor time - it's important for him to lie on his tummy so his neck gets strong and he should start rolling over at some point. We had lots of fun today lying on our backs looking into Jack's new Sassy mirror. It's the first time he's really paid attention to his own image. Mommy quickly switched the mirror for the camera and Jack posed nicely for this shot.

Then he did a great job holding his head up as he looked at his new doggie toy from our friend Gina. You can see that little strip of his newborn hair that never fell out along the back. Everywhere else on his head he has blonde fuzz.
We went out to eat at Chris's favorite Chinese buffet restaurant Sunday night. Jack did very well, making friends with the waitresses and watching the other customers walk up to the food. When we got back, he was sound asleep and so peaceful-looking. Jack's first fortune cookie fortune was: "Aim high in hope & work." Good advice.


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