Yum! Jackson loooves Twizzler licorice. We can be guaranteed peace and quiet for the 10-15 minutes he chews and sucks on it. So nice!

Grandma bought Jack this adorable swimsuit that will protect his skin from the sun and the water from his pee!

Here's the fashion plate in his other swim shorts & hat from our Portsmouth neighbor Beth. Jack's been very talkative lately, making all sorts of fun sounds, many of which sound like real words - "Yeah! No! Oh no! Dada! Momma!"

This weekend Mommy got this tricycle at a yardsale for $5. She later found out the local toy store sells them for $140! What a deal! All it needed was a little scrubbing.

Jack liked helping Grandma shuck corn. Well, mostly he just tried to eat it.

It's fun to laugh and point at Pop & Daddy struggling to build a swingset!

They worked very hard on Saturday to put this together in time for Jack's birthday.

Jack wanted to get in on the action. He loved those nuts and bolts.

Breakfast time.

This Sunday was Jack's cousin Xandra's baptism in Pawtucket. Doesn't she look beautiful? Though not too happy - being dipped in oil is tough stuff!

The reception was held at the Capital Grille in Providence. Jack did so well there, chomping on the dinner rolls, banging his spoon on the table and generally just being cute.

Here's our little family, all dressed up outside the church.