Sunday, April 30, 2006

New Shelf. Here is our new shelf/bookcase in the living room. It’s on your left as you come in the front door. This is a Closetmaid set-up. You can buy different-sized, stackable units and then accessorize with cabinet doors and colored baskets. Pretty cool.

We purchased the last 6-cube unit at Lowe’s this week, so they will call when more come in. Then it won’t be lopsided anymore, but nice and symmetrical. The doors hide videotapes and the baskets conceal CDs/DVDs. Everything you see on these shelves (minus the orchid) was in the nursery, so we are making progress.

And here you can see that Osiris wastes no time in making himself at home. Can you tell who he’s looking at with such adoration? Why, yes, it’s Chris: his true love.
Flowers. On Friday Kira finally purchased two pretty blue pots she’s been eyeing and filled them with violas and yellow pansies. They sit on either side of the front step. Aren’t they pretty?

And look – a lilac bush is beginning to blossom in our backyard. Very exciting!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby Jack Ultrasound. Here's Jack at 30 weeks. He weighs 3 lbs 2 oz. The doctor says he is in the 40th percentile for growth/size. He was extremely active during the ultrasound - the technician called him a "wild man." It's hard to believe he'll be with us in just a couple of months!

Kira added text so you can more easily see what is what.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Week 28 photos. Finally, here is a picture of Kira and Mom (Grandma!) as well as another shot of Kira's belly. This one really shows how big that belly is getting.
More belly shots. These are actually from Week 26, but we only got the photos from Mom this weekend. Jack was very active on this day, so everyone got to feel him kick. Here is Kira with Nan, Dad & Grampy.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Week 28. Here's Kira's belly at Week 28/7 months. Can you believe it?? According to the pregnancy book, Jack is approximately 12 inches long right now. He loves to kick Kira when she's trying to sleep. A sign of things to come?