Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to Jack! Jackson discovered this weekend that he likes frosting! How did we end up so darn messy? Well, let's see...
"Mmmm...yum! Dad, I like this stuff. Can I have more?"
"You know what? Let's just skip the whole bringing-it-to-my-mouth-with-my-hand thing. That takes way too long!"
"You don't really want me to stop, do you?"
"Aw, yeah, this is the life!"
Lest anyone think Jackson only ate birthday cake, he did also partake in cupcakes...
...with that fun blue frosting...
...and Twizzlers that Jack generously shared with Auntie Jane.
And the gifts were pretty sweet too!

It was a very special first birthday!


Blogger jane said...

OMG! Too cute! I'm so glad we were there to share his birthday with him!

10:36 AM  

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