Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Beep beep! Look at Jack's new Fisher Price car we got at the thrift store! It has all sorts of fun things to push and turn.
Jackson loves to help Mommy vacuum. He happily held onto that tube for ten minutes, crawling after it every time it moved.
Jack's other favorite thing to crawl after - the patient and easygoing cat. He looks like he knows what's about to come, doesn't he? Run, Osiris, run!
We've discovered a park in Warren with many baby swings and a nice view of the water.
Mommy & Jack will be going there a lot this summer!
And when we're not at the park, Jack will be in his new pool! What a cute tushie!
This weekend we visited Mommy's best friend Liz. We had a nice time on Alton Bay watching her sons swim.
Jackson loves Grandma & Pop's new washing machine. It's just like the ones at the laundromat where you can see everything swishing around. Cool! Jack's getting better and better at pulling himself into a standing position. He loves to be on his feet.


Blogger jane said...

Oh my god!!! I love that baby bootie!!! Hilarious! That pool isn't too shabby either Kira! I love these pics! I need some of these to put out in my house!

5:25 AM  

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