Sunday, November 19, 2006

So Happy! On Friday Jack and Mommy visted Nanny & Grampy in Scituate. Jack was very happy to be sitting in Nanny's lap and eventually grew so relaxed that he fell asleep in her arms. Notice how his left hand grasps her pinkie finger.
Once he woke up, he spent some time in Grampy's arms, where he received nice hugs and kisses.
Look how strong his neck is getting!
Jack and Mommy took a walk yesterday with eyes fully protected from the sun. We usually walk with the umbrella stroller, but he's been fussy in it this week. So, we tried out the Baby Bjorn and he lasted a half hour. Not bad!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God- could he get any cuter???
Thanks for sharing.
Love, Mom and Dad

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those glasses are too cute! He is such a little buddha! Love it! He always has the cutest expressions and looks so happy! love, Kristin

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is so darn cute. I look at the pics every day, just to make my day! I hope we can get to see you at Christmas. Barring storms, we're going to try and come home the day after Christmas. That's what we're aiming for. Keep those pics coming. Love, Aunt Lori

7:06 AM  

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